Commenting on Feedback by a Care Provider

Adding a comment on another Care Provider’s Feedback, or responding to clients' comments on the feedback, as a care provider.

If a Care Provider, whether they were the one who gave the feedback or not, wants to comment on the feedback, they can use API: 12-1 with a little modification.

1- Request URL:

2- Request method type:


3- Request Input Parameters:


  "assignmentId": 0,
  "autoSave": true,
  "commentId": 0,
  "content": "string",
  "date": "string",
  "feedbackId": 0,
  "mentionCaregiverIds": [
  "time": "string"

Body Description:

Parameter NameParameter TypeDescription
assignmentIdLongThe Assignment which we want to provide** feedback for
contentStringThe title of Feedback session
feedbackIdLongRefers to the desired feedback session
autosavebooleanIf it is the autosave or the actual feedback (for this API you should always send it as false)
dateStringDate of feedback submission (yyyy-mm-dd)
timeStringTime of feedback submission [hh:mm]

A complete example of an API call:

curl -X POST "" -H "accept: */*" -H "Authorization: bearer eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJleHAiOjM3NTgyMDY1MjEsInVzZXJfbmFtZSI6ImxhbGVoZGVobmF2aS5sZEBnbWFpbC5jb20iLCJhdXRob3JpdGllcyI6WyJDQVJFR0lWRVIiXSwianRpIjoiOTZhYWFjOTMtMmRjNy00NDM5LWE3YTUtNWI0MzAwYmNjN2NlIiwiY2xpZW50X2lkIjoib3B0dC0wMmVlNzdkYy1hYzQ1LTQzNDQtODE3ZS0xN2NhNTJiNThiNWQiLCJzY29wZSI6WyJyZWFkIiwid3JpdGUiXX0.cvGtZ8jjyREqzFr2kUOhh4HTDsJOD0Y4icAO9KOt42Z_B_HngqylOs_WbDiSKduObzvfTHraDqEIxZJtAzK9YujjKcy9uKfPH_9GR-qcuFNrlrJMREib2AMzUXi9Gsqgh-hNsp1uNhlQzQuzSoKo1rAnuF6HC2m1BU77cbVnrwTdbP6e8jJz21dvav1JSUVZiqiyxVbUY2f8IA8n-sXf_284-4shnkkggbgIPTW88Jd_UOp-w2UZ-lKRWfRmKlhRVM37iamWw0hGOIW3jOJc6_fc1ce-I2O7YYBNkYdwLooBaVzXG0ja8w1PTrHBml95PcmzDLp2zg-4CRpjczSk4g" -H "offset: 1" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d "{ \"assignmentId\": 1844, \"autoSave\": true, \"content\": \"string\", \"date\": \"2021-01-27\", \"feedbackId\": 160, \"time\": \"00:32\"}"

Response: In case of success a "string" message will be sent as a response that shows the title of the feedback session.

  "message": "67"